WHOISTrustee Service Enabled for Additional nTLDs
HEXONET has enabled WHOISTrustee and WHOISTrustee Lite (http://whoistrustee.com) for the following additional new TLDs: .ACCOUNTANTS, .BAYERN, .BEER, .CHURCH, .CLAIMS, .COOKING, .COUNTRY, .CREDIT, .CREDITCARD, .DIGITAL, .DIRECT, FINANCE, .GRATIS, .GUIDE, .HORSE, .INSURE, .LIFE, .LOANS, .PLACE, .PRESS, .RODEO, .SURF, .VODKA, and .WEBSITE
Within the control panel, you will see a WHOISTrustee icon located next to each domain in the standard domain list view. The icon looks like a small shield with a 'W' inside of it. To activate domain privacy, simply click on this icon and follow the instructions to activate WHOISTrustee for your domain(s).
DONUTS TLDs now support Chinese and German IDNs
- German
- Chinese
- French
- Spanish
- English
As of August 1, 2014, HEXONET will increase prices for .AU Domains. This is a registry wide price increase, as well as, the price being adjusted via our partner. The following pricing will apply on August 1, 2014, for .COM.AU, .NET.AU, .ORG.AU and .ID.AU:
- Reseller Price Class: 21.42* (net price: 18.00) AUD/Domain/Year
- Premium Price Class:19.64* (net price: 16.50) AUD/Domain/Year
- Platinum Price Class: 18.45* (net price: 15.50) AUD/Domain/Year
Note: .AU Domains have a min. registration period of 2 years.
WHOIS Registrant Contact Verification Emails now in multiple languages
As a reminder, ICANN now stipulates that as a Registrant of a domain name or by changing your name or email address for existing domains, you need to verify your contact information. For new registrations you must verify your email address. For changes to existing domain names, you must verify the name or email modification. Please note that without timely verification (15 days) of your email address or modified contact information, you can't fully manage your domain name and your domain name will stop resolving after its respective Verification Deadline Date.
In addition to the default English Verification Email that gets sent out, HEXONET will also be sending Verification Emails in the following additional languages, depending on the country provided by the domain name registrant - German, French, Italian, Swiss, Japanese and Chinese.
Please click here to learn more about ICANN's whois accuracy requirements.
RESELLERS NOTE: Remember that you can also customize the Registrant Verification Email Branding by navigating to: Manage Account / My Settings / Domain Settings within the control panel.